Dr. Celso Khosa

11dr celso khosa TB Sequel Project - Research, Capacity Development, Networking


Celso Khosa is a project investigator/clinical coordinator on TB Sequel Project at Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS), Moçambique. He oversees activities related to research task 1 – TB Cohort, he will be responsible for participant contact/encounters including obtaining informed consent, coordination and scheduling of study visits, collection of subject data and biological specimens according to Good Clinical Practice (GCP). He will also ensure the retention activities, data entering and cleaning.

Dr. Khosa is researcher in INS since 2012 and board member of the Institutional Bioethics Committee for health INS since 2013. He is a PhD candidate in Medical Research / International Health at the University of Munich. In collaboration with international partners – He is the country Co-PI for a non-inferiority clinical trial on alternative Antiretroviral regimen in patients with HIV-TB co-infection. Additionally, he his coordinating a study on assessment of lung injury in patients with TB, clinical and socio-economic assessment, new methods of diagnosis and follow-up of TB patient.

His main research interest includes tuberculosis, HIV and Comorbidities associated with HIV. He is currently the coordinator of the Tuberculosis Research Unit CISPOC-INS.

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