TB Sequel Annual meeting – March 2023
After two years of online meetings and video calls, it was exciting to have the TB Sequel annual meeting in-person in Magaliesburg, South Africa in March this year. This meeting was attended by 42 people representing the research and co-ordinating teams from the participating TB Sequel sites. Since the TB Sequel project has had its funding extended for a further five years, there was much reason to celebrate. The main objective of this meeting was to present and discuss the second phase of the TB Sequel. The first two days of the meeting covered discussions on the various work packages (Research, Capacity development and Networking & Policy). Each research task (1-PTLD Cohort, 2-PTLD Interventions, 3-Host-Pathogen, 4-Socio-economics, 5-Implementation research) presented briefly on the findings in phase I and details on the propositions for phase II. The last day of the meeting was dedicated to site specific discussions to address any concerns and pave the way forward for the second phase of the study. In amongst all the work, there was also time for some game viewing with a African bushveld braai on the first evening and some elephant viewing on subsequent days. We ended the meeting feeling highly motivated and excited to continue the TB-Sequel journey.